Kingdom Congress Vision
The Kingdom Congress has been established to facilitate a forum for Christian leaders to discuss issues that relate to Illinois, to determine God's will about those issues from searching the Scriptures, and to release those determinations in the form of written documents and prayer decrees. The Bible grants authority to the church by stating: "Whatever you shall bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you shall loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven" (Mt.18:18 N.A.S.). The Kingdom Congress shall seek to obtain counsel from theologians, historians, business persons, government officials, plus other lay and professional people who shall comprise the congress for the purpose of gaining wisdom about pertinent topics that relate to the people and policies of the state. The goal of the council shall be to release the decrees of heaven through the decrees of the Kingdom Congress.
Kingdom Congress ParticipantsThe Kingdom Congress shall be comprised of persons from all walks of life who profess a born again experience with Jesus Christ, who believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God that provides a reliable blueprint for every sphere of life, and who are willing to take responsibility to implement the Great Commission through proclaming of the Gosple and discipling the nation with the teachings of Christ.
Delegates shall assemble on set dates for congressional gatherings. The Kingdom Congress shall not seek to set up a Theocracy nor shall any of the findings of the Congress place a coersive or lawful demand upon the people or government of Illinois. The participants shall, however, release their findings in order that churches and Christian associations might be informed and instructed by the work of the Congress. |
Kingdom Congress AssociationThe association is made up of men and women from all walks of life who are willing to labor together to accomplish the goals of the Kingdom Congress. The association functions on two levels.
The work of the Congress is facilitated by District Representatives. Representatives are persons who have volunteered to keep abreast of issues within the district, to communicate those issues to the Kingdom Congress, and to create connections with other Christian constituents within that Representative's district. There will be no limit on the number of Representatives that may support and function within each district. Members of the Congress shall be those persons who participate in the gatherings, which shall be convened throughout various regions in Illinois as social, political, or community issues demand. Members shall register to vote at the gatherings and be afforded one vote on any law that is written and presented at the Congress. Absentee ballets shall not be submitted nor counted on any vote. |
Kingdom Congress DirectorsDr. Patti Amsden is an anointed teacher, preacher, and prophet. Laboring alongside of her husband, Pastor Dennis Amsden, Dr. Amsden served as co-pastor of Son Life Church in Collinsville, Illinois, for almost three decades until the role of senior pastor was transferred to their son, David Amsden, in 2007
She is also the author of several books including: The Law of Boundaries, Evidence that Calls Us to Dance, The Apostles’ Creed, PORTALS: Releasing the Power and Presence of God Into The Earth, and her latest book The Reformer’s Creed: A Biblical Blueprint for Reformation in the 21st Century. She also writes a weekly inspirational article for the city’s local newspaper To read entire bio, click here |
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